Hi, I’m Marieke Bosch Larose.
Welcome! I am so glad you’re here.
If you're wondering how to pronounce my first name, you are not alone. I have lived with many interesting pronunciations of my Dutch name growing up in the US and now, as an adult, living in Montréal. The phonetic spelling is ma-REE-ka but my sister calls me Reeks.
Born to Dutch parents, I grew up on the waters of Long Island, outside New York City, and have always been inherently attracted to foreign everything (my extended family has 7 nationalities).
I ended up marrying my Québécois husband, François (whom I met while backpacking in Greece back in 1998!), and Montréal has been our home for the last 23 years. We have two daughters (18 and 13) who are the light of my life and one scrumptious doggy that makes my world cozier and cuddlier.
Who I am, at my core, can be found in my four “ways of being” below. These philosophies form the foundation for my entire life, my Inspirited Life as I like to call it, and also infuse my coaching with meaning, purpose and direction.
Life IS learning, growing and evolving.
I cannot stand to be bored. I am hungry for learning, always! Which is why I have consistently chosen (and continue to choose) to challenge myself, from outdoor adventures, to traveling to foreign lands, to leaving a “good enough” relationship for something unknown, to moving to a new country and learning a new language, to switching careers at 40, to adding to my coaching certifications…if I can learn, grow and evolve from it, I am in!
In fact, I believe our “divine purpose” in life is to continuously learn, grow, and evolve. To be in a constant state of becoming. Through my coaching, I help you embrace that life IS ongoing change. It is through the realization that we are in constant evolution that we release our fear of change and become open to personal growth as an essential skill to learn. I also believe that we are GLORIOUS works in progress and I love helping women drop the perfectionism that keeps us chained down and miserable.
Let’s just see what happens!
I need change regularly and a chance to explore the unknown, and literally “see what happens!” when we try something new…a restaurant, a career, a new piece of furniture, a recipe, or even a new country! Life is meant to be at both exciting and just a little bit terrifying!
I encourage and support women to playfully and courageously explore the unknown. You’ll discover that when you push beyond what you thought you were capable of doing or knowing and face your fears, you’ll end up deepening your self-awareness and your ability to be comfortable jumping into anything life throws your way! Discomfort is a wise teacher and it’s where our growth happens.
Knowing how YOU function matters
I am against a one-size fits-all model for pretty much anything. What is right for you may not be right for me and it’s our “job” to figure out what is right for ourselves. I function best with quiet mornings, dairy-free foods, and candles lit all winter long. My husband functions best listening to talk radio while he works (that would drive me crazy!). My kids have a lot of freedom in how they manage their lives, interests, and responsibilities. Our differences matter to our happiness and well-being!
I help you understand that knowing how YOU function is the first step to knowing who you are. By identifying your needs, dreams, desires, frustrations, passions, and even paradoxes, you understand the impact all of these details make on your life. As a result, you establish clearer boundaries in your relationships, know how to take better care of yourself, and feel empowered to create systems and habits that support living your best life.
Slow down and dig in. That’s where the magic happens!
Cocktail party chit-chat or sitting in the corner with one person talking about near-death experiences? Yup, I’m the latter. The more deep and intimate the better. And having plenty of time to dig in and uncover the juicy bits while doing it in a cozy, beautiful space, well…then I’m in heaven!
I believe that when we’re deliberate in slowing down and digging in we create an opportunity to open up to ourselves so we can discover our deepest and truest self. I create an environment of calm and quiet reflection to remove the sense of urgency to “go fast and figure this out now!” so we can mindfully and soulfully invest the time and energy needed to dig in and uncover the core of who we are.

nov·el, adjective \ˈnä-vəl\: new and different from what has been known before
In case you were wondering…
Certified Martha Beck Wayfinder Life Coach
Certified Soul’s Calling Coach & Facilitator
Certified Sparketype Advisor (Advisor/Nurturer | Performer)
Former Academic Adviser and Admissions Officer at McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada
Master's degree in Culture and Values in Education from McGill University, Montréal, QC,
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA
Proud mother, wife, daughter, sister, cousin, niece, friend, neighbor, volunteer, avid reader, dedicated fact finder and lover of deep and meaningful conversations.
Speak fluent English and French, some Dutch, but really love the language of human connection through smiles, music, dance, laughter, food, kindness and deep listening.
Some fun facts about me!
I’m an INFP/J (Myers Briggs).
My love language is Words of Affirmation (which makes sense as a writer).
My values are GRASP (an acronym I came up with): Growth, Respect (for self and others), Authenticity, Spirituality, & Purpose.
I feel a deep spiritual connection to elephants. Turquoise is my spiritual color and the number 8 is my spiritual number. (Met my hubs in '98, married in August (8th month), first kid born on the 8th, second kid born on the 18th and my birthday is 11/7= 18. )
I've been known to swear like a motherfuckin' trucker. I am working on swearing less.
After having been constipated for most of my life due to an unknown dairy intolerance that only came to light when I was 37, I am now obsessed with pooping every day and will talk about poop with anyone at anytime (much to the horror of my kids).
I am deep into the WOO and believe in angels, spirit guides and the afterlife. (Ask me about that time my dead dog came back as a fireball in the sky!)
To read the full story about how and why I became a coach, click here.